Arannayk Foundation, also known as the Bangladesh Tropical Forest Conservation Foundation, is a not-for-profit organization established in 2003 by the joint initiative of the Governments of the People's Republic of Bangladesh and the United States of America. Arannayk Foundation is registered as a not-for-profit company limited by guarantee (Reg. No.C-550 (02)/2003) and not having a share capital under section 28 of the Bangladesh Companies Act 1994.
Arannayk Foundation promotes conservation, protection, restoration and sustainable use of tropical forests in Bangladesh. It provides financial and technical assistance to organizations involved in forests and biodiversity conservation. It also implements projects financed by the other development partners.
Arannayk Foundation’s mission is to foster conservation, protection, restoration and sustainable use of tropical forests in Bangladesh by working with relevant government agencies, NGOs and private sectors; which significantly ensure benefits to the human.
Arannayk Foundation envisions a Bangladesh where forests are restored, conserved and sustainably managed to provide ecosystem services and livelihood support to communities.