
  • 2022

    The projects initiated this year are - 

    1. Identification, Assesment and Verification of Potential OECM (Other Effective Area Based Conservation Measures) with in-situ Biodiversity Conservation Measures in Bangladesh
    2. Market Study for Woodchips, Saw Dust and Other Wood Products Including Furniture (demand and supply)
  • 2021

    The projects initiated this year are 

    1. Chittagong Hill Tracts (CHT) Communities Landscape Restoration (CFLR) Project
    2. Landscape Modelling and Planning in Selected Landscapes in the Chittagong Hill Tracts 
  • 2020

    The project initiated this year is 

    1. USAID's Greening Environment through Livelihood Improvement and Forest Enrichment (GREENLIFE) Project
  • 2019

    The projects initiated this year are

    1. Landslide Prevention, Nursery Supply Chain and Integrated Homestead Farming
    2. Biodiversity Assessment of Sajek Valley and Dhanpata Village Common Forest
  • 2018

    The projects taken this year are

    1. Capacity development of the BFD’s frontline staffs on “Roles and responsibilities in improved management of Sundarbans Mangrove Forest” under “Management of the Sundarbans Mangrove Forests for Biodiversity Conservation and Increased Adaptation to Climate Change (SMP)”
    2. Strengthening the Supply Chain of Planting Materials and Community-based Reforestation for Landslide Prevention - Ukhiya - Teknaf
    3. Emergency Nutrition and Food Security Intervention for People Affected by the Refugee Crisis in Cox’s Bazar
  • 2017

    The projects initiated this

    1. Forest Investment Plan Preparation Project Consultation Workshops
    2. Strengthen Capacity on Socioeconomic Component for National Forest Monitoring System in Bangladesh
    3. Community Based Forest Resource Management for Sustainable Development in Rowangchari, Bandarban Hill District
    4. Community Based Forest Resource Management for Sustainable Development in Rowangchari, Bandarban Hill District
  • 2016

    The project initiated in this year is

    1. Alternative Livelihood Support to Forest Communities (ALSFC) component of Climate Resilient Participatory Afforestation and Reforestation Project (CRPARP)

  • 2015


  • 2014

    The project initiated this year is

    1. Determination of Carbon Uptake and Floral Conservation in the Tropical Wet Mixed Forests in Rangamati
  • 2013

    The projects initiated this year are

    1. Alternative Livelihood Support to Forest Communities (ALSFC) component of Climate Resilient Participatory Afforestation and Reforestation Project (CRPARP)
    2. Training of Stakeholders in Chittagong Hill Tracts on Adaptation to Change Including Climate Change Issues
    3. Livelihood Support for Conservation of Gazalia Village Common Forest, Bandarban Hill Tracts
    4. Livelihood support for Conservation of Dhanpata Village Common Forest, Khagrachari Hill Tracts
  • 2012

    The projects initiated this year are

    1. Support to BFD for restoration and conservation of Biodiversity in five protected areas
    2. Livelihood Development of Forest-dependent Communities in and around Chunati Wildlife Sanctuary
    3. Conservation of Threatened Indigenous Species in IFESCU campus
    4. Support to Inani CMC, Sitakund-Mirsharai CMC, Banskhali CMC and Singra CMC
  • 2011

    The projects initiated this year are

    1. Communication, Promotion and Awareness Raising Activities on Forest & Biodiversity Conservation
    2. Restoration of Hilly Biodiversity through Community Based Bio-Resource Management at Dighinala, Khagrachari
    3. Environmental Education through IFS Agroforestry Fellow
  • 2010

    The projects initiated this year are

    1. Capacity Building of Stakeholders and Community Based Organizations
    2. Biodiversity Monitoring in Selected Protected Forest Areas
    3. Support to Lawachara CMC - Livelihood Support to Forest User Groups in Co-managed Protected Forest Areas, Lawachara
    4. Support to Remekelenga CMC - Livelihood Support to Forest User Groups in Co-managed Protected Forest Areas,Remakelanga
    5. Support to Satchari CMC - Livelihood Support to Forest User Groups in Co-managed Protected Forest Areas, Satchari
  • 2009

    The projects that were initiated this year are

    1. Restoration and Conservation of Biodiversity in the Denuded Hills in Sitakunda and Mirsharai, Chittagong
    2. Restoration and Conservation of Biodiversity in the Denuded Hills in Banskhali, Chittagong
    3. Restoration and Conservation of Biodiversity in Barind Dhamoirhat Sal Forest, Naogaon
    4. Restoration and Conservation of Biodiversity in Singra Sal Forest, Dinajpur
    5. Conservation and Regeneration of Biodiversity of Village Common Forest in Khagrachari
    6. Inani PFA Co-management through AIGA of Forest Dependent Communties
    7. Swamp Forest Restoration in Haor Areas of Shunamganj District
    8. Access to Food Security and Accelerated Livelihood towards Biodiversity in Khaliajuri Upazila, Netrokona
    9. Community-based Conservation of Forest Resources and Enhancing Rural Livelihood in Rangamati of CHT
    10. Indigenous Community Based Sustainable Management of Chimbuk Hill Forest in Bandarban Hill District
    11. Community-based management of Itchari Community Reserve Forest, Khagrachari
  • 2008

    The project that was initiated this year is

    1. Genetic diversity conservation and restoration of Sidr hit area
  • 2007

    The projects that were initiated this year are -

    1. Homestead Agroforestry through Improved Management Practices in Sitakunda and Mirsharai, Chittagong
    2. Homestead Agroforestry through Improved Management Practices in Chandanaish and Patiya Upazila of Chittagong
    3. Homestead Agroforestry through Improved Management Practices in Tala, Satkhira
  • 2006

    - Memorandum of Understanding was signed with the Bangladesh Forest Department.

    - The projects that were initiated this year are

    1. Recolonization and Mass Propagation of Civit
    2. Recolonization & Mass Propagation of Banspata
    3. Coastal Biodiversity Conservation through Creating AIG Facilities
    4. Nursery Development for Regeneration of Threatened Species
    5. Parent Stock Plantation at ESCB Campus
    6. Community Based Participatory Herbal Garden in Rangamati
    7. Community Based Participatory Herbal Garden in Jessore
  • 2005

    - Arannayk Foundation's launching ceremony was held and the first logo of the organization was inaugurated.

    - The project that was initiated this year is

    1. Program Supervision, Monitoring & Backstoping Support
  • 2004


  • 2003

    Arannayk Foundation, the Bangladesh Tropical Forest Conservation Foundation was registered with the joint stock companies and firms under the Companies Act 1994 of Bangladesh. 

  • 2000

    An agreement was signed between the government of United States of America and People's Republic of Bangladesh regarding eastablishment of Tropical Forest Conservation Fund and Debt for Nature Agreement. 

  • 2023

    The Projects initiated this year are -

    1. Strengthening Elephant Response Teams to mitigate Human-Elephant Conflict in Bangladesh.
    2. Ecosystem Awareness and Restoration Through Harmony (EARTH).
    3. Updating Integrated Resource Management Plan (IRMP) of the Sundarbans.
    4. Assessment of Aquatic Resources of the Sundarbans.
    5. Biodiversity Enhancement and Greening Initiative for Nature (BEGIN).
  • 2024

    The Projects initiated this year are -

    1. Feasibility Study on Dubla Island Fishers by Assessing Existing Fishing and Fish Processing Practices (under "Integrated management of coastal and marine areas of the Sundarbans and swatch of no ground" project of GIZ)
    2. Scaling up Forest Landscape Restoration in Chittagong Hill Tracts, Bangladesh
    3. Module Development and Training for GoB staff to coordinate and integrate gender and climate across policies and programs under GCA Project of UNDP
    4. Plastic Reduction Initiative in Sundarbans Transboundary International Natural Ecosystems (PRISTINE)
    5. Ecological Monitoring of the Sundarbans under "Protection of Sundarbans Mangrove Forest Project"
    6. Consulting service for i) Formulation of 05 (five) Master Plans for 5 eco-parks along with digital topographic survey and biodiversity survey and ii) Plan, design, estimate & supervision of construction works at Botanical Garden and Eco-Park, Sitakunda, Chattogram
    7. Baseline Study of Bamboo for Climate Action
    8. Technical Study on the Mud Crab Lifecycle under the NABAPALLAB Project
    9. Plantation on Embankment at 10 Acre Shrimp, 11 & 48 Acre Shrimp Estates, Charakria, Cox's Bazar
    10. Project Preparation Grant on "Beyond Border: Securing Big Cats and Their Habitats Across Chittagong-Lushai Transboundary Landscape of Bangladesh and India"