Climate Change

IPCC Sixth Assessment Report of Working Group II revealed that in Bangladesh, Around 850,000 households and 250,000 hectares of harvestable lands were lost in climate-induced disasters; the loss of agricultural land also resulted in crop failure, which increased the price of rice by 30% between 2014 and 2021. More threats for Bangladesh are Projected sea-level rise is associated with groundwater contamination, freshwater scarcity, loss of biodiversity, aquaculture, and frequent floods. Around 26 million people live in coastal Bangladesh, and the world's largest mangrove forest, the Sundarbans, is threatened by increasing groundwater salinity. Additionally, research revealed that the Indo-Gangetic Basin is more exposed to contamination by arsenic and salinity than depletion. Projected sea-level rise is associated with groundwater contamination, freshwater scarcity, loss of biodiversity, loss in aquaculture, and frequent floods. To combat these threats and attain resilience of vulnerable communities of the working areas, Arannayk Foundation prioritizes disaster resilience activities based on the context and complexion of disasters.

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