Current Projects

Plastic Reduction Initiative in Sundarbans Transboundary International Natural Ecosystems (PRISTINE)

The Plastic Reduction Initiative in Sundarbans Transboundary International Natural Ecosystems (PRISTINE) project is jointly implemented by the Arannayk Foundation, Environment and Social Development Organization (ESDO), and RecycleJar Ecosystems (RJE). Deeply rooted in PARLEY AIR (Avoid, Intercept, Re-design) thematic areas, this project will address the plastic pollution occurring upstream (Mongla Upazilla) and downstream (ecotourism sites) of the Sundarbans - to halt the transboundary river and sea pollution through implementing innovative mechanisms on a pilot basis.

List of key activities that the project will deliver-

  •   App based digital tracking and monitoring system for plastic recycling value chain.
  •   Formalizing the informal waste pickers through digital registry system.
  •   Digital recording and monitoring system to document and disseminate waste picker’s contribution to circular plastic economy.
  •    Collect, analyze and interpret pollution data to better inform policy makers and support law enforcement agencies for effective plastic waste management and pollution control.
  •   Improving the socio-economic condition of marginal waste pickers.
  •   Gender Based Violence (GBV) training for the waste pickers for Prevention of sexual exploitation and abuse (PSEA).
  •   Provide health and hygiene materials with healthcare support for waste pickers
  •   Awareness-raising activities and behavior change programs with local stakeholders to reduce single-use plastic (SUP) usage in the ecotourism sites of Sundarbans.


This project is funded by the World Bank through the PLEASE Project, which is implemented by the South Asia Cooperative Environment Programme (SACEP) with support from United Nations Office for Project Services (UNOPS).